Kostrzewa Platinium Bio 2
Platinium Bio 2 has been ready to work in the difficult conditions now. It was designed and made from the elements which are usually provided for the big industries, among them mechanics or automatic control industries so that it could work 24 hours around the clock.
Platinum Bio 2 burner is a perfect choice for:
a passive house
one family house
a multifamily house
a small farm
a big farm
any kind of industrial or commercial buildings
The benefits of Platinum Bio Burner 2:
- durability (toughness) – the burner is designed and made of the premium class heat resistant stainless steel (3-year warranty) providing for maximum service life and simultaneous reduction of operating and servicing costs
- eco - friendly, no CO2 gaz emission C02 = 0
- fuel savings up to 40 % - while using 2nd generation Fuzzy Logic controls and broadband lambda probe
- economy - low consumption of electric power required for the equipment start upon photocell response
- convenience - fully automatic operation - burner ignites and stops itself
- innovativeness - interchangeable with the oil burner (you save up to 50 % in comparison to 60 % Liquefied Natural Gaz
- safety - negative pressure sensor *
- versatility - it can control several heating loops, solar system and buffer tank
- independence - it’s up to you from whom and how much you want to buy the fuel
- commercial kind of automatic control - fully comply with all requirements of industrial standart
- the component of industrial mecanics thanks to used elements of mecanics
- the regulation method of the second generation Fuzzy Logic and two piece menus allow to reduce the fired fuel by 20 % and lower wear and tear of parts and components in comparison with the burners made by competitors ( less number of ignition cycles significantly reduces electric power consumption)
- low price due to EU support
- burner components are made of heat - resistant steel H25N20S2 withstanding the temperature up to 1150°C
- fuel tank is made of galvanised sheet steel - zinc – zinc coating protects the steel surface against corrosion
- If you want to heat with fire wood - in the central heating c.o timble with fan - it is enough for you to put in the menu just the option: wood
- Thus the burner will be automatically switched off and fan switched on
The types of fuel
pellets, oats
Automatic control
- Platinum Bio driver - controls not only the boilers but also the central heating water system and warm domestic water.j
Lambda probe
Broadband six piece ductual 2nd generation lambda probe II:
- registers precisely the oxygen content in fuel
- controls exactely the amount of given air
- savings up to 20% of fuel
View of Platinum Bio 2 (without external fittings)