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EKOPAL RM are low-temperature boilers, the maximum water temperature being 95°C. They are designed to work in an open system with a storage tank for the hot water for the heating network.

The boilers have a combustion chamber for the gasification of the straw, a combustion chamber for the gas produced and a tubular heat exchanger.

Boilers of this type burn fuel quickly and with high efficiency. The burning rate is controlled by a processor which always maintains the optimal conditions in the combustion chamber. Any excess heat that the installation is not able to utilise, is stored in the storage tank.


The straw-burning EKOPAL RM boiler is equipped with a diesel fan incorporating an automatically controlled throttle and a micro-processor control system which burns the straw according to pre-set parameters. A blowing fan provides primary and secondary combustion air-flow.  A fuel chamber lined with fireclay bricks, forms the base. In this section, the fuel combustion takes place at a controlled oxygen deficit. Gases flow into the second chamber lined with fireclay bricks and are mixed with secondary air. In this chamber the process of the post-combustion of the gases takes place. From the combustion chamber, gases flow into the heat exchanger. This is the so-called "Counterflow Combustion System" which ensures the correct process in the gasification of the straw and in the combustion of the gas obtained and, consequently, in the low levels of carbon monoxide (CO) in the flue gas.



Biomass EKOPAL RM boilers are intended for the heating of, among other things:

  • detached houses
  • residential blocks, in areas such as former PGR /State Agricultural Farms)
  • greenhouses
  • pig-sties
  • chicken coops
  • drying rooms
  • schools
  • municipal offices, etc.


Depending on the type of boiler, the straw combustion chamber is loaded with rectangular bales of straw having the following dimensions:

  • 80x40x40 cm
  • 180x70x120 cm
  • 250x120x80 cm
  • round with a size of Ø 125-170 cm


Types of Fuel
waste, wood chippings, textile waste, sawdust


The Biomass Ekopal RM Boiler Range with Container Housing

Advantages of the containerised boiler room:

  • quickness and ease of installation since, among other things, no permit for the erection of a boiler room is required
  • the boiler room remains separate from the main building which promotes cleanliness, and saves spaces in a building
  • limitation of adaptation works to the minimum
  • ease-of-access to the boiler room when loading


Installation of the EKOPAL RM Boiler Container


          STRAW        WOOD         WOODCHIPS

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