Klimosz Uni Pellets
The KLIMOSZ UNI PELLETS is a heating boiler dedicated for combustion of solid fuels automatically or traditionally. The KLIMOSZ UNI PELLETS boilers have certificates which confirm heating and emission parameters, issued by the Test Laboratory for Boilers and Heating Units in Łódź.
The KLIMOSZ UNI PELLETS boilers are a perfect choice for:
single-family houses
small multi-family houses
vacation lodges
workshops and other facilities of this type
Advantages of the KLIMOSZ UNI PELLETS boiler:
- Weather control.
- Automatic fire up and extinction operations.
- The possibility of conversion into a charge boiler.
- Automatic operation of the boiler controlled with a room thermostat (optional).
- Possible production of warm utility water
- Simple operation and maintenance.
- Low level of harmful substances in flue gases.
Fuel types
The open view of the KLIMOSZ UNI PELLETS boiler